Friday, November 20, 2009

auto-charge voltage

Did you know the importance of movement power voltage and lifetime of a car? Many car problems that arise are related to the power supply voltage is not stable, until it becomes a serious problem. Typically, car owners often seek help when car mechanics problems.

However, they failed to find a way out and the main reason for addressing the problem. What a sad, car owners are forced to compromise on the issue. Try you think, "prevention is better than cure", so, we spend in order to protect health, as well as with our favorite car. Shop small car earlier in the treatment of a range of investment returns that bring revenue worth to you later.

Electric circuit system and the use of petrol cars also correlate each other. If the electrical circuit system is outdated, it is not only increasingly menghaus petrol car, petrol press problems, the rate of low engine life, even gear the car is not smooth. Each of these problems may be occurring because of a defect arising in the small electric car circuit system.

Auto charge

So, to achieve power consumption voltage optimum car, you need a system of electric circuits that perfect and stable. Now, the emergence of AUTO-CHARGE, electronic products and the latest Japanese not copy was able to repair the system stability circuit voltage electric car through best.

Once used AUTO-CHARGE, your car will be controlled perfectly capable of overcoming all because it is a small problem caused by the power voltage is unstable. Another advantages, how to install AUTO-CHARGE is very easy. It will operate when you reconnect to the ignition switch, without any tools to install equipment on the petrol tank may damage your car.

Special Features AUTO-CHARGE

AUTO-CHARGE Voltage best includes 3 system, namely:

* System Voltage best

* Battery Doctor System

* Disturbance Reduction System

Auto charge

Function and Effectiveness of AUTO-CHARGE

* Economical petrol effectively

* Stabilize response RPM

* Increase engine torque (engine torque)

* Increased power motor car engine

* Optimizing the function of electronic equipment in the car

Things that need to be considered

Do not open or modify the product to avoid any damage or injury.
This product is only designed for cars with a 12V power voltage only.
Do not disconnect or remove products from the ignition switch when the car is driven.
While i-CHARGE is used, ensure that each plug into the socket safely.

If ignition switch socket close, tight each eye socket before it is installed.
Petrol-saving effect is different according to driving, climate,
condition of roads and cars respectively.

Advantages of products

* Improve response and press the petrol engine power motor.

* Reduce car CPU errors, increase efficiency of electronic car equipment.

* Launch the gear train

* Improve response and sprint motor gasoline engine to save more.

* Maximizing the efficiency of life run more smoothly so that engine.
* Extending life expectancy of electrical circuits and systems tools electronics car.

advantage auto charge

How easy installation and safe. One option the first DIY
for women drivers

* Suitable for all types of cars and motorcycles.

* Reduces noise interference filter through noise, the sound system to provide more effective.

* Equipped with 2 Protection fuse for better protection and safe to use.

* Improve response rates RPM with a high velocity even gadget car air-conditioners installed at a maximum during hot weather.

* Reduce the rate of release of gases carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) into the air.

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